FBI’s Truthfulness Questioned in Meetings with Facebook over Hunter Biden’s Laptop Controversy

Explosive new evidence suggests that the FBI may have been deceptive about their interactions with Facebook regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) alleges that the FBI’s claim of only one meeting with Facebook concerning the “Laptop from Hell” is untrue. Rep. Jordan has been sharing a collection of internal communications, known as the “Facebook Files,” which he obtained through a subpoena as the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee.

In a sworn deposition for the Missouri v. Biden case, FBI special agent Elvis Chan, who acts as the primary liaison between the bureau and major tech companies, stated that apart from one meeting, he had no knowledge of any other FBI-Facebook meetings about the Hunter Biden laptop story. Moreover, Chan declared that he had no internal information about the FBI’s investigation into the laptop.

However, the Facebook files paint a different picture. Internal communications from Facebook reveal that there were indeed multiple meetings between Chan and the company regarding the laptop story. Additionally, the documents indicate that despite claiming ignorance of the investigation, Chan assured Facebook, on the day after the story was suppressed by the platform, that there was no evidence of any foreign involvement and no signs of leaks related to the laptop.

At the time when Facebook inquired about the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop story, Laura Dehmlow, who currently serves as the Section Chief of the Foreign Influence Task Force, responded with a “no comment.” Rep. Jordan highlights the fact that by that point, the FBI knew for certain that the laptop was authentic, as they had been in possession of it since December 2019.

Rep. Jordan’s revelations raise concerns about the FBI’s transparency and credibility in handling the Hunter Biden laptop case. He points out that the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) has been uncooperative in allowing the committee to interview Agent Chan, further fueling suspicions surrounding the matter.

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