Hunter Biden’s China Earnings Confirmed in Court Testimony: Debunking President Biden’s Claim

In a recent fact-check, Glenn Kessler from The Washington Post has debunked President Biden’s claim that his son, Hunter Biden, never received money from China. Kessler pointed out that Hunter’s court testimony directly contradicted his father’s previous statements made during the 2020 presidential debates.

Investments and Deals with Chinese Entities: Hunter Biden’s Connection
Kessler highlighted Hunter Biden’s involvement with the BHR investment advisory firm, which included Chinese entities, shortly after his 2013 trip to China with his father. Furthermore, in 2017, after Joe Biden left public office, Hunter entered into a deal with CEFC China Energy, a Chinese energy conglomerate. Evidence from a laptop linked to Hunter Biden showed transactions amounting to $4.8 million from CEFC and its executives to entities controlled by Hunter and his uncle, James Biden.

“Four Pinocchios” Awarded to Biden’s False Claims: Fact-Checking President Biden
Based on Hunter Biden’s recent court testimony, Glenn Kessler concluded that President Biden’s denial during the debates about his son’s China earnings was false. Kessler suggested that Biden may have purposely tailored his response to only cover the period when he was vice president.

Controversy Surrounding Hunter Biden’s Tax Crimes: Allegations and Investigation
Hunter Biden has faced controversy over alleged tax crimes, including accusations of receiving a favorable treatment from the Department of Justice (DOJ). IRS whistleblowers leading the investigation into his tax affairs claim they encountered interference from the DOJ and were discouraged from looking into potential misconduct involving his father.

White House’s Shifting Stance on Biden’s Involvement with Hunter: Changing Narrative
The White House has now changed its narrative, asserting that President Biden was never “in business” with Hunter. This statement contradicts his repeated claims during the 2020 election cycle that he had never discussed business matters with his son.

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