California Bishops Express Disapproval of State Legislature’s Recognition of Controversial Group

The California Catholic Conference has voiced its criticism of the decision made by the state legislature to publicly honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group consisting of gay men who dress in drag and are known for their mockery of Catholic nuns. In a statement released on Monday, the Conference expressed their sadness and disbelief regarding the tribute given to a group that openly engages in hateful, misogynistic, and discriminatory acts against Catholics, women’s religious orders, and Christianity.

According to the Conference, the decision by the state Senate and Assembly to honor a group openly opposed to Catholicism has only amplified acts of hatred. Lawmakers were commended for paying tribute to a member of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group known for disrupting religious services, events, and even stealing the sacred Eucharist. The Conference chose not to mention the offensive names utilized by the group for events that ridicule Catholic sacraments.

This recent action by California Democrats follows a similar tribute paid to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence by the Los Angeles Dodgers, which was condemned by both the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Catholic League for Civil and Religious Liberty.

The California Catholic Conference emphasized the selfless work carried out by Catholic women religious, who wholeheartedly serve others and continue to pray even in the face of open disparagement. The Conference stressed the importance of recognizing these Sisters for their selflessness instead of subjecting them to ridicule and denigration.

Furthermore, the statement highlighted the historical connection between the Sisters of Mercy, who formerly owned the land on which the annexed portion of the Capitol building now stands. By endorsing the tribute to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, the State is viewed as supporting the desecration of the selfless acts performed by these religious orders and their enduring legacy.

In conclusion, the statement from the California Catholic Conference denounced the divisive behavior of the legislature and urged Californians to rise above such actions, treating one another with love, integrity, and the dignity that every person deserves.

Continue Reading: “California Bishops Call for Unity and Respect Among Californians”

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