Energy Organizations and Think Tanks Unite Against “Green New Deal-inspired Measures” on the Anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act

On the one-year anniversary of President Biden and the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), more than 40 energy organizations and think tanks have joined forces to call for an end to what they perceive as “Green New Deal-type policies” included in the law that they believe favor China over the United States. In a report titled “Where Green Meets Red: How the Environmental Agenda is Making America Dependent on China,” the non-profit organization Power the Future highlights concerns with Biden’s green energy policies and the IRA.

These energy organizations and think tanks, including Power the Future, have collectively signed a letter addressed to Congress, asserting that the IRA includes “harmful energy and environmental provisions” and urging lawmakers to counter the law by introducing “policy riders in appropriation bills and Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolutions of disapproval.”

The founder and executive director of Power the Future, Daniel Turner, states that the green initiatives in the IRA may potentially benefit Chinese companies due to China’s monopoly on rare earth metals. Critics of the IRA argue that it ultimately results in financial gains for the Chinese communist party as American tax dollars allegedly support Chinese industries.

The letter to Congress, led by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), argues that the IRA’s provisions could have adverse effects on energy production and consumption in the United States. It expresses concerns about the government’s push for unreliable energy sources and the imposition of choices such as electric vehicles (EVs) without taking into account consumer preferences or national security implications.

These groups also criticize the IRA for undermining gas-powered vehicles and dependable energy sources, emphasizing the potential infringement on individual freedoms and consumer interests. The letter calls for a reevaluation and dismantling of the policies within the IRA.

Senator Joe Manchin, who has been involved with the IRA, released a statement affirming that the law aims to achieve energy security and empower both fossil fuels and renewable energy sources. He criticized attempts to transform the IRA into a “radical climate agenda,” highlighting the importance of prioritizing American and West Virginian interests.

Amid ongoing debates on energy policies and environmental agendas, these energy organizations and think tanks are advocating for a reassessment of the provisions within the IRA and their potential impacts on the country’s energy landscape.

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