Louisiana Couple Arrested After Tragic Death of Infant Due to Neglect and Malnutrition

A Louisiana couple, Angel Taylor and Chevy Lafountain, are facing serious charges including second-degree murder, neglect, and child abuse following the tragic death of their 4-month-old daughter and severe neglect of their toddler. The authorities in St. John the Baptist Parish reported that both children were found to be severely malnourished.

Heartbreaking Discovery: The incident came to light when Angel Taylor called 911 to report that her infant was unresponsive. Unfortunately, by the time the deputies arrived at their residence in Reserve, the baby had already passed away. An autopsy later revealed that the infant had died due to severe malnutrition, dehydration, and starvation, indicating a disturbing pattern of neglect.

Extreme Neglect: Sheriff Mike Tregre expressed his shock at the couple’s heartless actions, comparing their behavior to that of wild animals. The condition of the baby’s body suggested prolonged neglect, raising concerns about the last time she had received proper nourishment. The couple’s 13-month-old son also showed signs of severe neglect, although he somehow managed to find food to survive.

Charges and Lack of Remorse: In addition to second-degree murder charges, Taylor and Lafountain are being charged with cruelty to juveniles with force/violence as felonies and child desertion as misdemeanors. The couple confessed to mistreating their children, with Lafountain blaming their drug dealers and Taylor claiming she was unaware of her prolonged periods of unconsciousness due to drug use.

A Disturbing Scene and State Custody: Authorities described their trailer as a horrifying scene, surrounded by children’s toys, garbage, and filth. Both parents confessed to using drugs and showed no remorse for their actions. The toddler was placed into state custody while the couple’s bonds were set at $600,000 with no option for a 10 percent bail payment.

Addressing Child Neglect: This heartbreaking case underlines the urgent need to address child neglect and abuse. Authorities are currently investigating the extent of the couple’s actions and are determined to seek justice for the tragic death of the 4-month-old girl.

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